
Language groupSlavonic of Indo-European languages
RegionTranscarpathian Region of Ukraine
ReligionChristianity (Catholicism, Protestantism)

*Population estimates for 1994

Czechs (self-designation “czechy”) are the population of Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia). On the territory of Ukraine, they live in the Transcarpathian Region. They belong to Central European transitional race of European race. The believers are mainly Catholics, but there are also Protestants (followers of Evangelical Church of Czech Brothers, Lutherans, etc.).

Czechs’ traditional occupation is farming (agriculture). Cattle-raising is of great importance as well. Folk handicrafts include glass manufacturing, ceramics, faience (delft-ware), hand lace plaiting, and embroidering. Modern Czechs are engaged mainly in different branches of highly developed industry.

Old family traditions, especially wedding, are still alive today. The Czech people celebrate many holidays of their calendar throughout the year. Christmas is celebrated with the closest relatives only, while presents are hidden under decorated Christmas trees. The system of the Czech relationships is of the English style. The wearing of traditional clothes stopped from the middle of nineteenth century. Folklore is various in genres: historical songs and legends, fairy-tales, and ballads. Folk songs are usually accompanied by dances.

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